IT Consulting

Wichita, KS

Proudly serving Wichita

Pileus Technologies specializes in providing IT consulting services in the Wichita, KS area. As an IT Consulting Company, you can trust our IT consulting expertise when it comes to streamlining processes, upgrading technologies and safeguarding data assets. Contact us today to speak to an IT consultant.

In business today, second best simply is not an option – and that is definitely true when it comes to technology.

Yet while breakthroughs continue at a remarkable pace, innovations also create new challenges for even the most seasoned of business leaders.

Businesses throughout Wichita, KS trust our IT consulting expertise when it comes to streamlining their processes, upgrading their technologies and safeguarding their data assets.

Staying one step ahead of both bad actors and your competitors is a constant race, but it is not one you need to run alone. Our IT consultant services can be tailored to your organization’s needs – here are a few examples.

IT Consultant services

Whether yours is a well-established business, or a fresh and rapidly expanding startup, IT consulting services are vital for growth and safety alike.

Technology is powerful, but the risks of mismanaging it cannot be understated. A strong IT consulting company can ensure you never make a misstep in your growth journey – empowered by the technology it takes to lead the pack.

Hardware IT consulting services

Making the next computer upgrade or deciding how best to expand your office local area network, is a consideration that needs to be taken with the utmost care.

Our IT consultant service is able to work with you to distinguish what you need from your next hardware upgrade, and balance that against the budget you are working with.

We can work with you over time in planning an upgrade roadmap for your hardware too, ensuring you always have an ally on hand to know where best to invest as new devices hit the market.

IT Consultant Services

Software IT consulting services

Perhaps you are migrating your databases and file storage solutions to the cloud – or simply need better productivity and tracking software to keep efficiency keen while you grow at a rapid pace?

We provide impartial advice and training solutions to help your teams and colleagues get up to speed on new software fast.

We will also guide you through how best to ensure you stay in the loop with software updates and downloadable patches, making sure you are always operating with the very best enterprise software available to you.

If you are feeling confused by several software options and feel unsure which package is best for you, look no further than our IT consulting services. We will tailor the advice we give you to the needs, opportunities and pain points present in your current business model.

Cybersecurity IT consulting services

An unfortunate reality facing both businesses in the Wichita, KS area as much as those operating worldwide is that cybercriminals are becoming ever more sophisticated in how, where and when they try to hack into honest, law-abiding businesses.

Our IT consulting company has a long history of successful cybersecurity best practice training, together with an ongoing commitment to remaining aware of newfound solutions to prevent fraud and data breaches ahead of time.

This is one area of business where the value of prevention far exceeds that of the cure. Do not give cybercriminals the opportunity to see your organization as an easy target.

Instead, work with us to devise the ways and means for us to train best practices into your colleagues and best protect your digital assets.

Stay on the cutting edge with IT consultant expertise with Pileus Technologies

Don’t let the march of technology leave you by the wayside. We work with countless businesses in Wichita, KS in IT consultant services that keep you not just relevant, but ahead of the curve.

Book a call today for our specialist team to tailor a solutions plan for you.

IT Consulting